Wednesday, 27 February 2013


Are you ready?
Is it coming soon?
Can you wait?
I can't wait! It is gonna be awesome!

Anticipation: "The Act of Looking Forward"
This is a great word! It's also a great feeling!! What is coming, what is next, when will it start, I can't wait.
You see, we could all look back and say, "Wow, I wish that had not happened; why me?; why did things have to fall apart?"
We could look forward with anticipation and say, "Ok, bring it on! Can't wait! It's gonna be better this year, this season, this week!!"
Our Spring football season is only 3 weeks from starting.  Wow, we have had some awesome seasons, but this year, oh yeah, this year is gonna be awesome!! You see in many ways you get what you speak.
A guy in the Bible by the name of James said, "life and death are in the power of the tongue".  What are you speaking?  What are you hoping for?  What is exuding from your thoughts to your tongue to speak out?

This winter I had a strange encounter.  A gentleman was angry because he had brought his son to our arena to find out that it was not a free skate.  He had read the website wrong, but out of his mouth came the statement, "Figures, Smiths Falls" in other words, "yeah I shouldn't be surprised this is Smiths Falls."  I had to remind the gentleman that he was in my town and that Smiths Falls is awesome!!

Wow, 3 weeks to Spring Ball!! ANTICIPATION!! Can't wait, it is gonna be AWESOME!!
Are ready for some football?
See you on the field and get ready, get ready, get ready! You are what you speak, you are what you do!
Let's make this season the best!
I can't wait!
See ya on the field
Coach Birl

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