Well, it has been a while since I have wrote anything. Much water under the bridge since mid June.
Football finished up, school is over, my middle lad turned 10. We have started our camps at the church and our outdoor evening services.
Life is crazy busy. Maybe some of you with kids can relate. One thing that I love about life is:
What does this mean? Well, have you ever been a part of a team where there are so many players that many sit on the bench (THE PINE). I was recently at a soccer game (the other football). There were 21 players on the team. So basically everyone only played half the game. I hope they got a half price deal for their registration. Riding the pine is no fun. We must GET IN THE GAME!! Whatever the game of life has brought you, get in!! Those of you who find yourself busy with work and kids and everything else. Enjoy it NOW!! One day the house will be empty and you will be glad you did.
I'd rather be a participator than a spectator!!
What are you going to do today to get in the game!!
Let's make a difference: in our kids lives, in the lives of others. Why not pick up the phone call someone you haven't for a while. Why not forgive and forget and make things right. Why not tell someone you love them. Why not go for a coffee.
Let's get off our "butts" and GET IN THE GAME!!
Until Next Time
Coach Birl
Hey, I hadn't realized you were a blogger. :) Good posts.