Monday, 18 July 2011

"Sports Camp"

Imagine this if you would:  fourteen 6 and 7 years olds playing flag football, most of them for the first time.
I am playing on both teams, quarterbacking so that everyone gets a pass or a hand-off.  We just start to play, and it is time for the kick off, Can I kick it, say all seven on the one team, can I hold it say three of the same seven.

I am now quarterbacking the other team.  Can I get a pass, say five of the seven.  Can I run it say three of the seven.  Can I be the quarterback says one of the seven.

The games goes on for an hour.  Fourteen boys and girls having the time of their lives just wanting to do something.  Wanting to catch a pass, wanting to run, wanting to kick, wanting to hold the ball.  By the end of the game I was exhausted.  What an incredible rush!  Fourteen kids, just wanting to be a part of the game.

As a coach it has always been one of my greatest goals to get as many kids involved in the game as possible.  My desire is to see kids, grow and glow!! To grow in their abilities and find confidence in everything they do.  What a great opportunity.

We all need to be coaches.  We need to be life coaches.  We need to help kids, ours and others to learn something new.  To get to do something for the first time.  To be there when they fall, fail, trip up.

What an incredible life I have.  To get to help kids learn.
I will never forget last Thursday... my ears were ringing with the requests, "Can I... can I...?"
But life doesn't get any better than that.

Until next time
Coach Birley says "Can I...?"

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